

Ding Jun Hui has become only the second player to compile a 147 in the Wembley Masters, his maximum coming in the seventh frame of his match against Anthony Hamilton this afternoon.

It was the 55th professional maximum and follows Kirk Stevens's 147 in 1984.

It's Ding's first 147 and he becomes the first Chinese player to make on in a professional tournament.

It earns the 19 year-old £35,000, although he was completely impassive at the end of it.

It's also the first 147 to be refereed by a woman, Michaela Tabb.


  1. It's also the first 147 to be refereed by a woman, Michaela Tabb.

    Go Girl Go!


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  2. Anonymous6:25 am

    hi,I am a chinese, from the news in our county I know that DingJunHui compiled a 147 in the Wembley Masters,I want to see the game ,but I don't find the vedio ,would you please give me some links of vedio of this game. thanks.

  3. Anonymous10:10 pm


    Just think - and I hope Ken Doherty isn't reading this - but if only Ding had completed the maximum under the B&H header, he could have been taking home a lot more than £35,000.

    Not that it matters anymore, but can Ding drive, yet?

    The table conditions seem brilliant!

    Thanks, Joe

  4. Anonymous12:23 am

    the link for UK users is http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/player/sol/newsid_6260000/newsid_6261100?redirect=6261129.stm&news=1&bbwm=1&bbram=1

    If it doesn't work... u could try changing your proxy to a UK one so the BBC think you are in the UK.
