

It's up now!

Click here to listen (you will have had to have registered)


  1. Anonymous4:28 am

    Just finished listening and I *really* enjoyed it. Clive Everton was a great (albeit obvious) choice as the first guest. It seems like he could talk about snooker all day, and I for one, would be happy to listen to him do so.

    I'd really encourage you to think a bit laterally in terms of your choice of future guests. I can think of several obvious choices who frankly are not nearly as brave as Everton in their views, and if you really want me to give an example I'll cite Dennis Taylor. If the podcast were to descend into "cheerleading" snooker, I think that would be a shame.

    Examples of people I'd like to hear include Barry Hearn, a prominent referee, a retired player (e.g. Kirk Stevens), and even a die-hard fan.

    If you're looking for candidates to fill the latter category I'd be more than willing to offer my dulcet tones :)

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Anonymous12:15 pm

    great interview...
    looking forward to more in future.

  3. Anonymous12:26 pm

    Well done boys

  4. Very impressive (a couple of literals on the front page of the podcast page - amd for and and is for his)

  5. Anonymous1:12 pm

    Great choice as the first podcast, thank you, Dave!
    The best part in my opinion was the way Clive Everton approached the problem of free speech in relation to WS. Silence couldn't have been more eloquent.
    Thanks again!
    I think the biggest challenge of them all would be to get Sir Walker to do an interview. Especially following Clive's. (Yes, I AM serious ;) )

  6. Anonymous2:33 pm

    ...and I'd also like to add that you have a great mike voice, Dave.

  7. Anonymous2:59 pm

    A good start, got better as it went on I felt because the first ten minutes were basically taken from Clive's book. Will have have been very good for people who have not read that though.

    Look forward to the next one.

  8. Anonymous3:29 pm

    Great to hear Clive's voice again, and some intelligent and thoughtful comments on there.
    I hope the guys at Snooker Scene can make a success of this. It was one for us anoraks, but very enjoyable!



  9. Anonymous3:30 pm

    youre ever so polite samanthapanther

  10. Very interesting listen. It was recorded in December I would guess. So no question about Clive's commentary demotion by BBC Sport.

  11. Dave I am having problems listening to it? I filled the username and password box and then clicked the play icon by the demo bit and all i got was a bit of music for about 10 secs?

  12. Jamie

    When you register you should receive an email asking you to activate your account. Once that is done you should be able to access the podcast.

  13. Anonymous5:52 pm

    Gracious words there.

  14. Anonymous6:26 pm

    I signed up to it, got my username and password and tried to put this in but nothing's happening

  15. Anonymous7:15 pm

    Would I be right in guessing that you used a single microphone and were passing it between you for Q&A. It certainly sounded like that. A second microphone would probably improve the sound quality a lot.

  16. Anonymous7:34 pm

    Great podcast Dave and Clive.
    I have to agree with Donal on this, the sound levels were quite low. I'm listening through winamp, 100% volume, PC 100% volume and still quite low.

  17. Anonymous7:57 pm

    Sound was perfect! For me, I just did something with the sound on Windows Media Player and it went just perfectly so I could hear it! Great interview and I really enjoyed it.

    How often will these podcasts be made? Once per month? Maybe a little article in the magazine on the latest podcast would be good.


  18. Anonymous10:53 pm

    Loved the podcast Dave - it was great to hear Clive speak about his life and career, I hope you can do more with Clive as well as other people. Sound wasn't great at points when Clive was speaking, was absolutely fine when you were speaking.

    All the best

  19. Yes, I apologise for the sound.

    I should explain that this was meant really as a test to see if it would all work.

    I plan to do some player interviews as podcasts if there is sufficient interest.

  20. Hi Dave,

    I listened to it last night and enjoyed it. I think the production quality will improve as you get used to it.

    I listen to a lot of podcasts and this is the first one I've seen where you have to register to listen. I don't think this will help you and I'm not 100% sure why you introduced a registration system.

    Above you say "I plan to do some player interviews as podcasts if there is sufficient interest."

    I think opening up the podcast so nobody has to register will increase interest and solve some of your technical issues. You can still keep track of your downloads etc without having a registration system so you shouldn't lose track of how popular your podcast is.

    Keep it up!! It's very good!! :o)



  21. Anonymous11:06 am

    "Hearn would be aghast if I ever accused him of altruism!" I found that remark very funny. :D

    A very nice first podcast. Thank you.

  22. Anonymous3:14 pm

    Hi I have tried 2 or 3 times to activate my account but it just won't log me in! Link works on my e-mail then click activate but when I enter my username and password it just goes blank again in the boxes when I try to log in! Please help!

  23. Anonymous7:58 pm

    good to listen to Clive- keep up the good work Dave- any more will be of great interest to me.
    John H

  24. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Brilliant listen. However, as some has mentioned, the volume is very low wether you play it through the website or through Windows Player. I've cranked it up but Clive is barely audible as oppose to you( I hate to be "that guy" but I thought I had to mention it).

    Anyways, I look forward to more podcast goodness.
