

That’s quite enough blogging for one year.

In 2009 the blog had more posts, more comments and more readers than ever before.

It was sometimes right, sometimes wrong but always certain.

It’s also been fun despite the problems that have afflicted the sport. Ultimately, for all the political intrigue, for all that passions often get inflamed, snooker is only a game and being around the circuit and the people on it is first and foremost an enjoyable way to spend time.

Sometimes it’s exasperating too but we won't dwell on that right now.

Instead, I'd like to wish everyone reading this a very Merry Christmas, wherever you are and however you’re spending it.

There’s much to look forward to in 2010. With Barry Hearn now at the helm of the professional game there will doubtless be much happening and much to comment on come the New Year.

But it can all wait until then.

Right now it’s time to reacquaint ourselves of the true meaning of Christmas: fighting through crowds for last minute shopping, drinking copious amounts of alcohol and arguing with the family.

See you next year!


  1. Dear everybody, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    See you next snooker time! :D

  2. Anonymous10:08 am

    Merry Xmas to you and yours Dave.


  3. Anonymous10:15 am

    Merry Christmas Dave, your blog has been tremendous this year. Keep up the good work in 2010.

  4. Anonymous12:16 pm

    One of the first places I come to when online. Some commenters are very entertaining (or is that mentally unstable)and it all makes a belting site!!

    Merry Christmas!!!!

    Mat Wilson

  5. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Merry Christmas Dave and thanks for this great blog.

  6. Anonymous12:30 pm

    A merry Christmas Dave! And may your troubles be small in the New Year.
    Thanks for your indulgence, and understanding lad.
    Mr hey you

    Snooker © The Fine Art Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared.
    Hi Dave
    A blogging thought for the New Year! What happened to the “Don’t forget to follow through”? The expression has been said almost religiously by Steve and big John for forty years; why is it missing; was it a bum steer for all those years?

    With our new Chairman Barry and the promise of “Transparency” in all matters, Dave, will be able to ask and receive answers to some tricky questions. If the old “Follow Through” was wrong! Why wasn’t the snooker mad youngsters told, and given a reason for change?

    Barry may suggest all World Champions to join blogs to answer questions to stimulate interest in the game. Barry will be full on new ideas, and may seek something new from blog players.
    Mr hey you

  7. JohnH1:35 pm

    Happy Christmas Dave- thanks for all the blogging in 2009- all the best for 2010!

  8. Merry Christmas, but it is more than a game it is a religion! Seriously though I think sport is more than just a game although I am not going to get into such deep analysis as to why. Looking forward to 2010 it could be memorable. Also your tip of the year was not Ding winning the UK but your opening blog post of 2009 said big things would happen off the table this year and you were proved right. It will be interesting to see what you find to say in your opener for 2010.

  9. Anonymous2:04 pm

    This is an outstanding blog, well written and very interesting. Top three most valuable snooker information resources for me (along with global and worldsnooker, the last of which I hope will come on leaps and bounds this year)

    Thanks for all your posts Dave, look forward to 2010

  10. Anonymous2:17 pm

    Cheers Dave, have a good one.

    Thank you for this blog, much appreciated.

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all from Prague

  12. Anonymous3:06 pm

    Merry Christmas to Dave and all. The game is on the cusp of a return to the big time (well medium time at least) and it's through its passionate fans that we can achieve this for our great sport. Dave, your opinions can sometimes be infuriating, but that's how you get people coming back for more. All the Best!

  13. Alain (not Robidoux)3:10 pm

    Merry Christmas to you Dave and congratulations on a fantastic coverage of this year's Snooker scene. Well done...

    Cheers from Canada!

  14. JAMIE O'REILLY4:01 pm

    All the best, Merry Christmas and Happy new year David my friend.

  15. merry xmas dave!

  16. Anonymous6:25 pm

    Hi Dave,

    Merry xmas and a happy new year.

    Thanks, Joe

  17. darrus6:38 pm

    Happy Holidays, Dave!
    See you next year :)

  18. Enjoy the break Dave, cheers for the blog and your help over the past year.

  19. Though Dave, you do realise that every time you post saying that you are going on holiday, a major snooker event always seems to happen the next day.

    Half-expecting Hendry to announce his retirement tomorrow or something now.

  20. Claus Christensen10:36 pm

    The Fine Art Of Saying Merry Christmas (copyright)
    A greeting wasted if not shared.

    Thanks for a great year and a great blog Dave.

  21. Anonymous1:19 am

    JAMIE O'REILLY you are correct

  22. Anonymous10:21 am

    merry xmas dave, keep up the good work

  23. Merry Christmas and a Happy 2010! Thanks for all your posts Dave, I'm looking forward to 2010... Cheers!

  24. Interesting end of year review on EuroSport. Thought you may have mentioned Higgins v O'Sullivan at the UK in match of the year. It gets my vote, although I did not witness enough of Selby v Higgins to judge it fairly.

    Player wise I would agree with John Higgins just because of how consistent he has been, in the last six major tournament he has reached semi finals or better. However winning only one but it was the biggest trophy of them all. Ronnie a close second as he is the only player to have won more than one title this year.

    The point that raised most eyebrows was you saying that some players lower down the rankings slow things down. I think this is prevalent at the top as well, particularly with the likes of Ebdon, King and even Selby on occasions.

    Villian of the year is the guy who marginalised Clive Everton.

  25. Anonymous4:10 pm

    disagree on all counts there "Jamie the biased"

    merry christmas

  26. Anonymous9:21 pm

    Merry Christmas Dave, and everyone else who post's on this great blog...

  27. Anonymous1:15 pm

    Merry Christmas Dave, Thank you

  28. kimball3:39 pm

    Merry X-mas and great 2010

    Thx for a good blog Dave!


  29. Anonymous5:24 pm

    Thank You, Dave for Your blog!
    Merry X-mas and happy New Year from Bulgaria!

  30. Anonymous9:07 am

    i see/hear you got promoted to SKY today Dave ;)

  31. Anonymous12:54 pm

    Snooker © The Fine Art Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared
    Dear Dave
    How are you! It would be nice if Snooker was honoured in the New Years List by a Knighthood. But who should it be? Really there are only three worthy players in the starting blocks.

    In chronological order they are the almost forgotten Mr Ray Reardon, The great Steve Davis and Scotland’s pride Stephen Hendry. Each and every player a multi-times World Champion.

    Snooker sadly, is maybe classed more of a recreational game like “Snakes and Ladders” as opposed to a sport, as Snooker has never been considered for the Olympic Games. Mr Joe Davis the games only player to hold a copyright on snooker coaching, but Joe was also denied a Knighthood.

    Gongs aplenty have been awarded to many snooker players but always for charity activities as opposed to anything new in snooker coaching or different from the Joe Davis © books.
    Snooker sadly is a game of copycats; based on the “Watch Me” and I’ll show you again method.
    Mr hey you.

  32. How about Mr Hey You MBE.

    for services to comedy.

  33. Anonymous4:33 pm

    or services to stupidity

  34. Anonymous6:40 pm

    "How about Mr Hey You MBE"
    Mr Bone Ead ;)

  35. Anonymous11:31 am

    Snooker © The Fine Art Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared
    Dear Messer’s Greg, stupidy and bonehead.
    It is nice of you to read my posts and find them worthy of comment. It is sad that none of you gave a real reason for your disapproval of my innocent opinions.

    Dave has no rules to say that only professional players must be believed on the Hendon blogs. I presume that if the great Steve Davis was to say your birthdays were all on the first of April, you would doubt the words of your parents.

    It is hard to believe Mister Greg and blog friends that no professional player since Joe Davis has written a copyright article on the art of coaching snooker. The many articles written are the recycled words of the Original, Mr Joe Davis. Mr hey you

  36. Anonymous6:54 am

    Eurosport, Sky ... and 110sport 'Chat with the Champs' - you are a busy boy Dave

  37. Anonymous1:06 pm

    Snooker © The Fine Art Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared
    Hi Dave
    How are you! Your popularity seems to have no bounds lad getting greetings from Sky, Eurosport and 110 sports. As reported Dave “You have been a busy boy”, or did they mean a “Bossy clever boy”.

    The only people omitted Dave from your greeting list in snooker importance is Mr Barry Hearn (himself), The BBC snooker section and the laugh a minute people in “Hazel’s Corner”. There is of course Dave the many New Year Greetings yet to be welcomed.

    As that great man “Rudyard” once said: “If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken”…etc,etc. Thanks again lad for risking life and limb by publishing the “Fine Art” copyright symbols in all my blogs.

    The Fine Art will in time be the savour of Snooker; whether Barry manages to extend the “pro game” with gimmicks or a brain child! Snooker will always have a copyright alternative to run in tandem and of course in “Transparent” competition. Mr hey you

  38. Anonymous7:25 pm

    Happy New Year folk's including you Mr MBE!!!!
