

The Sunday Telegraph's Jasper Gerard was engrossed by Judd Trump's victory over Ronnie O'Sullivan but not impressed by BBC2's decision to leave the decider before it was over (Rob Walker may wish to look away as well).


  1. Anonymous1:11 pm

    A bit of an unnecessary sly dig at the beeb there. Couldn't Mr Gerard use his red button? He can't be much of a TV critic if he doesn't have one. Just my view though.

  2. Anonymous3:38 pm

    That article was spot on.

  3. Anonymous5:28 pm

    many people still do not have red buttons- it was a shocking decision to cut at that point in the final frame and would not of happened 20 years ago- Hazel gave a good impression of being aghast at the decision as she apologetically annnounced it.
    How times change when quality live sport building up to a thrilling climax gives way to a prerecorded programme that could of run 5-10 minutes late. It would of been fine to run late through to the snooker an hour and 45 mins later and join the evening session having already started. We do not need to see player introductions live for the evening session!
    John H

  4. Anonymous6:04 pm

    Excellent article, the Beeb deserve the criticism. It was a ridiculous move.

    I have to say I agree with the opinion on Rob Walker. It is cringe worthy TV. None of it done with any real quality.
