

So we're back in Essex for the final week of the Championship League in which one player is going to receive a huge boost by qualifying for the lucrative Premier League next season.

Already through to the winners' group are Mark Selby, Mark Allen, Joe Perry, Stuart Bingham, Mark King and John Higgins.

Alongside the returning Graeme Dott, Steve Davis, Joe Swail and Matthew Stevens for group 7 are young guns Liang Wenbo, Judd Trump and Ricky Walden.

For more information and how to watch the action live, go to the Matchroom website.


  1. Anonymous3:55 pm

    I'll be supporting Trump!
    Id love to see him in the Premier League.

  2. Anonymous5:37 pm

    go trumpy!!

  3. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Do you need to open an account to watch this?

  4. Anonymous6:34 pm

    I think so yeah.

    Good to have something to watch, this past week feels like the slowest week in terms of snooker news all season.

  5. Anonymous6:46 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Do you need to open an account to watch this?

    6:20 PM

    no you dont

    you will find links on several snooker forums on the day of play

  6. Anonymous7:16 pm

    Cheers anon 6:46 and Matt tell me about it the past weeks feel like years

  7. Anonymous7:59 pm

    you can watch at acesportstreams.blogspot.com on the times of the matches

  8. Anonymous8:18 pm

    i wasnt sure if links to these were allowed on here, so i just told the anon asking that they were easy to find....in case davie doesnt want links on here

  9. Anonymous8:56 pm

    Does the fifth placed for group seven player gain anything for finishing 5th?
    ie does he play in group one next season?

  10. Anonymous6:24 pm

    Snooker The Fine Art method would like to refute­ breaking the Yahoo TOS agreement. A truth should be­ welcomed?
    Snooker The Fine Art is the world’s only­ copyright method of coaching snooker. Mr. Joe Davis­ created snookers first coaching method and the­ "Fine Art" merely rebuked various players for­ using (Joe's) a dead mans copyright.
    The Joe Davis­ method has been used without redress from any quarter­ and conveniently the copyright got lost as soon as the­ coaching game became big business in the late­ nineties.

    The two top coaching schools are the Terry­ Griffiths school in Wales an the Snooker Academy in­ Sheffield, neither of which have a copyright to teach­ or coach snooker.
    Both these schools sell off­ certificates and diplomas without reminding students­ that the snooker method being sold is copyright and­ belongs to an Englishman.

    If the Joe Davis method is­ now null and void; W/S or The Voice of Snooker Clive­ Everton should have publicly informed all members and­ not kept it "in house". Members in Scotland­ and Ireland may have chosen a coaching career; or for­ elder members creating a benevolent fund.

  11. Anonymous6:29 pm

    Snooker The Fine Art method would like to refute­ breaking the Yahoo TOS agreement. A truth should be­ welcomed?
    Snooker The Fine Art is the world’s only­ copyright method of coaching snooker. Mr. Joe Davis­ created snookers first coaching method and the­ "Fine Art" merely rebuked various players for­ using (Joe's) a dead mans copyright.
    The Joe Davis­ method has been used without redress from any quarter­ and conveniently the copyright got lost as soon as the­ coaching game became big business in the late­ nineties.

    The two top coaching schools are the Terry­ Griffiths school in Wales an the Snooker Academy in­ Sheffield, neither of which have a copyright to teach­ or coach snooker.
    Both these schools sell off­ certificates and diplomas without reminding students­ that the snooker method being sold is copyright and­ belongs to an Englishman.

    If the Joe Davis method is­ now null and void; W/S or The Voice of Snooker Clive­ Everton should have publicly informed all members and­ not kept it "in house". Members in Scotland­ and Ireland may have chosen a coaching career; or for­ elder members creating a benevolent fund.
