

The World Professional Billiards Championship will take place next week at the Northern Snooker Centre, Leeds.

Billiards is the warning snooker should heed. It used to have its own circuit but is now down to only one tournament.

The three-ball game is one of considerable skill with a long, proud history. But for billiards, snooker may never have been invented.

The event runs from September 2-6. Here are the groups:

Mike Russell, Devendra Joshi, Ian Williamson, Rupesh Shah

Sourav Kothari, Gary Rogers, Martin Goodwill, Balachandra Bhaskar

David Causier, Peter Gilchrist, Mark Hirst, Bernard French

Geet Sethi, Pankaj Advani, Dhruv Sitwala, Michael Kreuziger, Robert Hall


  1. Anonymous11:51 am

    Shouldn't that read a very very very very long history?

    A game of skill for sure, but a spectator sport it ain't!

  2. Anonymous8:08 pm

    Snooker The Fine Art Methd
    A secret is wasted if not shared
    Dear Dave
    You should encourage more posts on billiards, it's a lovely game to play, and is a wonderfull experience even to field for a thoughful player on song.

    The big fault in billiards is it is so easy to score, and players are inclined to twist into the shot and forfeit the benifits in practicing a beautiful cue action in each and every shot.

    Sadly both games can be successfully played without showing a poise or finesse which shows instead a kind of "Smart Alec"

    Billiards sadly is taught and practiced mostly with the old pendulum stroke which is 100% wrong.
    The pendulum as you know Dave is a movement of two equals, therefore the cue tip is never level,eiher going up or going down. In forceful shots the cue ball could leave the table bed with this action.

    There is an old fallacy that the knowledge of billiards makes a better snooker player. Both games Dave are about a cue action that creates a branch of snooker technique. Mr hey you
