

World no.2 Stephen Maguire has withdrawn from the Shanghai Masters because of a shoulder injury.

It means Barry Hawkins gets a walkover into the second round.


  1. Anonymous10:51 am

    Snooker The Fine Art Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared
    Dear Dave
    I think its time to release your censor constraints and allowed Maguire and family off the hook.
    You must know that the WPBSA board are messing around and searching for an escape rout.
    You should Dave be offering help and strong opinions to members not sitting on the fence. Be brave if you want your programme to really expand. Mr hey you

  2. Anonymous11:12 am

    What is this guy on?

  3. Anonymous11:48 am

    Maybe he's foreign and uses an online translator to translate to English, most arent very good and clearly don't make much sense.

  4. Anonymous11:50 am

    That bloke's a nutter

  5. Anonymous12:21 pm


    I think we all find the first poster irritable, the majority dont encourage him by responding. However, as you are now vetting all posts before they go public, why dont you do the decent think and remove his posts prior to publication?

  6. kimball12:34 pm

    Fresh news are that Ladbrokes pulled the match Sullivan-Dott some time ago

  7. Anonymous1:42 pm

    Freedom of speech maybe? I think he means that Dave shouldn't be constrained by legal requirements and should give his opinion of what happened in the Maguire-Burnett match.
    Don't do it!

  8. Anonymous2:31 pm

    How many snooker players over the years have "slipped in the shower", resulting in a broken arm/wrist/collarbone/whatever. You'd think there could be some orginiality in their excuses!

  9. I tipped him for the title!

  10. RichP4:00 pm

    The old slipping in the shower/bathroom seems to be a common injury for snooker players. I've hardly ever slipped in the bathroom but if I have i've never injured myself in the process. What on earth are snooker players getting up to in the bathroom that causes these constant injuries - I seem to be missing out?

  11. Claus Christensen4:37 pm

    Freedom of speech vs. spamming...

    So let's look at it then. This is a blog about snooker. Every comment section refers to a specific entry with a specific topic. The comments should reflect that (which of course this whole thread doesn't, I know!) and Sir heyyou is consistently NOT making any sense. If I was in charge I know what I would do personally but Dave is king.

  12. Anonymous7:17 pm

    Snooker The Fine Art Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared.
    Dear Dave
    It’s good to see so many “Close Friends” giving you advice on how to promote your Snooker Forum. These people that warm up to you Dave are the same "Supporters" that would agree with you if you said that snooker would improve financially if there were two Tuesdays in each week, or that Potting red balls are easier on Monday nights.

    I don’t think they are very SNOOKER bright, seldom a constructive suggestion or a snooker question. I wonder just how “Snooker Bright” they really are Dave.

    A question Dave. (If Answered) will probable be answered correctly, only by a future World Class Snooker Player.

    If the cue balls circumference is nine inches; how many times when set in motion, will it roll on a level twelve foot snooker table between baulk cushion and the black cushion? There is no trick.

    No tricks just: The Mechanics of the balls. A test for our Monique a snooker mathematician from Belgium. Mr hey you

  13. Anonymous7:37 pm

    Snooker The Fine Art Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared.
    Hi Dave
    I see some of your "Close Friends" have awakend from there slumbers and now in for the kill.
    Best wishes to one and all, may your troubles be small and Curley Headed. Mr hey you

  14. Claus Christensen12:48 am

    I guess all I can say is 'long live free speech'....
    I don't know if us 'close friends' are in for the kill but I think everyone would appreciate if we all could stay on topic when we are commenting on blog entries.

    Is that too much to ask?

    Or have I been using the wrong commenting training techniques?

  15. Anonymous11:42 am

    Snooker © The Fine At Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared
    Dear Mr Claus C
    How are you dear chap. About sticking with TOPIC Sir! This “Dave H” Blog and Forum invites variety and multi discussions. Have you not noticed Mr C that some subjects have NO comments while others often have twenty odd punters with strong opinions to express?

    Punters are mostly honest about there limitations with words, but enjoy reading different opinions especially on the wonderful subject of Snooker.

    Please remember that though the professional game of snooker is almost one hundred old it has not changed “Technically Speaking” one iota.

    Some punters may want to make EXCUSES for this detail or oversight, while others may want to give REASONS. While others may want to talk about there favourite player and what makes his motion on the shot and cue action so wonderful. Mr hey you

  16. Anonymous12:12 pm

    Snooker The Fine Art Method
    A secret is wasted if not shared
    Dear King David
    I think it may be prudent or even wise if you fully realised Dave that it is getting near Christmas and your chimney stack could be over looked this year. Mr hey you

  17. Claus Christensen5:44 pm

    Anyone else?
