

Mark Williams will play Stuart Bingham in the final of the Australian Goldfields Open tomorrow, a match which pits one of snooker's greatest champions against a player finally getting his reward after many years of effort.

Bingham was appearing in his first ranking tournament semi-final but fought past Shaun Murphy 6-2 to take his place in the final.

Williams at times played very well but was not put under sufficient pressure as he beat Ken Doherty 6-2.

I'm sure Williams will start as big favourite for the title but, as ever, it's all on the day. Both players will have chances and it'll come down to who takes them.

Williams certainly has the experience, the class and the confidence as world no.1 to come through for what would be his 19th world ranking title.

He's won ranking titles in the UK, China, Thailand, Ireland and Germany and has clearly enjoyed Bendigo.

His game is obviously rock solid but his attitude is also spot on. Jetlag, headaches and sundry other piffling concerns can go hang as far as the Welshman is concerned. He just gets on with it.

Bingham knows that underdogs often do come through but that he will need to start well. One thing on his side is that he is well used to winning titles on the pro-am circuit and certainly has no reason to be tentative and do anything other than play his natural game.

He's landed some good scalps this week but Williams is an altogether different prospect. It's over 15 years since he won his first ranking title and the problems of a few years ago must now feel like a distant memory.

A fine atmosphere is guaranteed. The Australian snooker public have taken this new event to their hearts.

Let's hope the final rewards their commitment to this welcome new addition to the tournament calendar.


  1. Anonymous2:21 am

    Bingham hasn't got a chance, Williams is too good looking to lose against him.

  2. Anonymous3:21 pm

    Why didn't they use the trophy from the last time this tournament was held - presumably Mike Hallet still has it?

  3. Anonymous3:28 pm

    Well he did and he wasn't too good lol. Well done Bingham it's good to see someone like that come through a win.

  4. What a match! What a tournament! Exciting final, surprise winner. All credit to Bingham he looked out of it at 8-5. What a buzz watching that match.

    It shows, that you can add any gimmicks, or shorten any matches you want. But there's nothing like a full ranking event in snooker. I hope the rest of the season is as immense as this.

  5. Anonymous5:30 pm

    jamie brannon
    Mark Allen has embarrassed himself this week but he will go on to do more in the game than Bingham. He has won a title don't forget.
    22 Jul via web


    nice tweet jamie

    i wont forget

    dont you forget now, so has big stu!

  6. Johan5:43 pm

    Great final and a well deserved win for Stu! Nice to see him come back from down under...

    BTW: did anybody miss ROS in Australia? :-))

  7. Anonymous6:06 pm

    nobody missed ron, johan

    ive said for years that pandering to him was just turning him into more of an idiot.

    another great tournament without him.

    go snooker!

  8. Anonymous6:08 pm

    there will of course be about 5 people posting saying they missed him, but of course that is little fish...a bit like ron these days...just another fish!

  9. Anonymous7:54 pm

    it really was a case of Ronnie Who ?

    only a number these days like everyone else.

    well played Stuart well deserved win

  10. I'm pleased for Bingham as he is a dedicated professional with a deep affection for the sport.

    However, still stand by what I said on Twitter as Allen is a decade younger and more talented than Bingham.

    It would be nice to see Allen offer some congratulations on his Facebook page as his comments last week were nasty and immature, and didn't do him justice, as he generally seems a likeable chap.

  11. Anonymous2:36 pm

    Yeah Stuart can't help it that he's not going to be the next James Bond. Allen should count himself fortunate that he was born with good looks. Criticising how someone plays the game is fair enough, but looks don't come into it.

    Quite a few Northern Ireland players have a nasty streak: Higgins, Taylor, Gerard Greene and now Allen. Joe Swail is the only nice one I can think of.

  12. Anonymous3:54 pm

    Anon @ 3.36. What did Taylor do on you. Greene is English.

  13. Anonymous7:25 pm


    allen might be better looking than stu. thats not the point. allen is a dwarf of a human and shouldnt be going on a site that comments can become public from and say things about peoples looks, especially after putting both feet in it already.

    perhaps he needs 3 feet to use....
